Subject: CW CDEV Framework 1.0.1 Author: Chewey Uploaded By: Chewey Date: 6/28/1995 File: CW CDEV Framework.sit (25353 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 183 Equipment: Mac SE or better Needs: Codewarrior 4.5 Keywords: CONTROL PANEL C SOURCE CODE LIBRARY TYPE: Freeware LIBRARY: MDV/Developer Source Code/C++ KEYWORDS: CONTROL PANEL C SOURCE CODE LIBRARY CW CDEV Framework is just that, an oop framework for creating cdev's in Metrowerks CodeWarrior. It's based on a oop cdev framework that Symantec supplied with it's complier. Contains a "ready to compile" 68K CW 4.5 project that will build a "do-nothing" cdev using the framework. Also includes a commented sample project and source code from which you can build a cdev that actually does something ;) It should enable you to see how to use the framework. Best of all, the framework is freeware. Enjoy! Changes from 1.0 -------------------------- Added default actions for cut, copy, paste, and clear in cdev base class. Actions were defined in base class for the Sample CDEV, but failed to make it back into starter framework's base class. ----------------------------------------------------------- Macintosh Developers Forum Libraries. Go Keyword: MDV This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.5